ED Hose, Illustrator Extraordinaire

ED Hose illustrator of DIJIZOO, Inc. NFTs

"The world is your oyster' philosophy convinced me I could be anything I wanted to be." - ED Hose

So where is her drawing of a world full of oysters? That’s how ED thinks. She sees the world as a giant playground where everyone gets along and a simple turn of a word turns into a glorious work of art.

DijiZoo is pleased to have ED Hose as a creative partner and ED is an actual owner of DijiZoo Inc. This represents a new direction in NFT art whereby actual artists are also owners, not just paid technicians.

ED’s goal is to spread the joy of her art to as many people as possible. DijiZoo NFTs are the culmination of that dream.

ED credits her Mom with encouraging her creativity early on. As a precocious child, ED was provided with endless art materials and nothing was off bounds for her quirky touch. She painted on walls, furniture, toys, and sometimes even art paper. 

And about her name. ED Hose is her real legal name. ED is not short for Edwina or Edward or any other name. ED is ED. And it’s legally capitalized, as it should be.

"I am a functioning illustrator, with an inking problem. I suffer from adult onset heebie-jeebies." -- ED Hose

In 2001 ED received her Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Illustration and Design from the Tyler School of Art at Temple University and has been creating memorable art ever since. She has illustrated coloring books, children’s books, logos for bars and restaurants, urban wall art, note cards, and her unique touch is alive in many ways.

The style of her work is a free flowing combination of hand drawing and digital imaging. Her drawings are created with pen and ink, then colored on the computer. That’s where the magic happens. 

The finished products are print ready high resolution images that can be output onto any item, like the DijiZoo NFTs. DijiZoo NFTs can also be ordered in a high quality print.

ED also paints and sculpts. You’ll find her art lurking all around her sleepy little coastal Georgia town.

“You are special in every way and your talents are beyond measure. So grateful that you are in this world to bring te beauty the hukr the insight into ourselves and eachother and compassion! Hope you feel the love from near and far.” - Alyson

You can read more about ED Hose and follow her here: 

Website (http://www.EDHose.com)

Drawing Conclusions Blog (http://edhosedrawingconclusions.blogspot.com)

Facebook (http:/www.facebook.com/EDHose)

Twitter (@EDHose)

Instagram (@EDHose)